GLTPA's Director's Notes



Several months ago, I had mentioned a book called “The First Global Revolution; A Report by the Council of Rome.” This book, written in 1991 by Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider explains in detail the civil unrest regarding the environment and rapid economic growth in the industrialized countries.  The forward of the book references the beginning as being 1968, “The Year of the Great Divide” and the beginning of industrialization during the post war period. This growth is what caused a group of so called “independent thinkers with the longer term and deeper issues” to formalize an organization called “The Club of Rome.” (CLUB)

The “CLUB’s” thinking according to the book, is governed by three conceptual patterns:

“Adopting a global approach to the vast and complex problems of the world in which interdependence among the nations within a single planetary system is constantly growing.”

“Focusing on issues, policies, and options in a longer-term perspective than is possible for governments, which respond to immediate concerns of an insufficiently informed constituency.”

“Seeking a deeper understanding of the interactions within the tangle of contemporary problems-political, economic, social, cultural, psychological, technological and environmental-for which the Club of Rome adopted the term “the world problematique.”


There have been several reports developed by this group and its leaders such as the founder, Aurelio Peccei, Al Gore, Henry Kissinger, and others who are using global warming as a tool in promoting the World Economic Forum to promote international law and world order.  In the chapter called the “Vacuum” it is written several times that it is not easy to stimulate debate and initiate more global thinking and that men and women need a common motivation, a common adversary to organize and act together. And I quote; “The need for common enemies seems to be an historical factor. Bring the divided nation together to face an outside enemy, either a real one or else one invented for a purpose.”

What it boils down to is that this group of elites see mankind as a problem.  On page 115 of the book is a statement by the founder on how they can put their fix in motion. Here is the quote from Aurelio Peccei, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.”

You read it right, the CLUB framed these threats in a way to push the solidarity of all people to promote their cause. What it means is that the CLUB found a way of convincing and designating humans, especially women and children as the enemies of the planet and it is the CLUB’s job to ensure that humans become so engrained with this thinking that they consider humanity itself, the real enemy of the planet.  Remember the ads and newscasts on TV with the children screaming about saving the planet? That is a result of the CLUB’s actions.

The book contains over 240 pages of this type of information, and I cannot say that I disagree with all of it and here’s an example. In the chapter called “The Limits of Democracy” it starts out by stating “Democracy is not a panacea.” In other words, not a solution for all problems. “As now practiced, democracy is no longer well suited for the tasks ahead.”  It further states “Political party activities are so intensely focused on election deadlines and party rivalries that they end up weakening the democracy they are supposed to serve.”  Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?  Almost daily someone in the news refers to the “democracy” or the attack on democracy. But wait, isn’t the United States of American a Republic?   “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the REPUBLIC for which it stands, one nation under God indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”  The following is taken from the “The Heritage Foundation” website.

“America is a republic and not a pure democracy. The contemporary efforts to weaken our republican customs and institutions in the name of greater equality thus run against the efforts by America’s Founders to defend our country from the potential excesses of democratic majorities. American republicanism and the ordered liberty it makes possible are grounded in the Federalists’ recognition that non-majoritarian parts of the community make legitimate contributions to the community’s welfare, and that preserving these contributions is the hallmark of political justice. But, the careful balance produced by our mixed republic is threatened by an egalitarianism that undermines the social, familial, religious, and economic distinctions and inequalities that undergird our political liberty. Preserving the republican freedoms we cherish requires tempering egalitarian zeal and moderating the hope for a perfectly just democracy.”

The following paragraphs come from the “World Atlas website.

The United States of America is governed as a federal republic, and therefore some argue that the U.S. is not a democracy. A republic is defined as a political system in which the supreme power is vested upon the citizenry that is entitled to vote for its representatives and officers responsible to them, while a democracy is defined as a government of the people and by the people exercised through elected or direct representative. It can be difficult to distinguish between a democracy and a republic, and therefore it would be rational to conclude that the United States is both a democracy and a republic.

Why Is The United States A Republic?

The key difference between a republic and a democracy is not how power is projected, but the limits to power. Both use the representational system, meaning that the citizenry is represented in the government by elected leaders. In both cases, the majority rule, but in a republic the constitution limits how the government can exercise power. These rights are inalienable and cannot be changed or altered by an elected government. The United States is a typical example of a republic state because the constitution limits the power of the government. Some rights such as the Bill of Rights, the right to vote, and the powers to amend the constitution are limited and cannot be changed by the sitting government without consulting the public directly.

Clearly the United States is a Republic just as the founders intended. So why then do so many keep referring to it as a democracy? Could it be the elites slowly incorporating rule by democracy through use of verbiage to make it so common that the Republic is forgotten without anyone noticing and without change to the constitution?  Because America was and still is considered a global leader, there are many references in “The First Global Revolution to the United States, its debt at that time, which today continues to grow exponentially, and its negative impact on the rest of the world with its greedy industrialization. As stated earlier, I can agree with the elites on the fact that a democracy is not equipped to handle these types of problems, however a republic is.

Why is it then the elites and people within the United States own government keep trying to push America to a full-blown democracy? The answer of course is because democracies have more control over the people and natural resources. Private landownership is what made Amerca great and created wealth far beyond that of most other industrialized nations. Who takes better care of the land, private citizens, or the government? We have great regard for local public land managers however, they are dictated to by Washington and sometimes have no choice but to follow ill-intended Executive Orders, having little regard for the well-being of local communities.  Legalization of marijuana for adults to mellow them out and video games for children designed to infiltrate their minds with useless information to keep them all preoccupied and unaware of issues that matter for their future.

I could go on and on with the examples, but the fact remains that the “CLUB” and others are very open about what the end goal is and how they will achieve it.  Don’t take my word for it. Read documents, watch videos, do some research, and be aware of what’s going on at the global level.  It is stated very clearly in several documents and by several media sources that America is bad for the rest of the world because we supposedly have the highest carbon footprint per person of any country in the world.

Ever wonder why all the elite groups like the “CLUB” are so infatuated with China? Can you think of any other country in the world that has complete control over their citizens and tracks everything they do? Why is that? Because it is their mindset that all of us “average” citizens do not have the wherewithal to manage our environment, therefore the elites and World Order should do it for us and be allowed to become billionaires because of it.

If we the people are to remain in the natural resource business of forest management and have the desire to maintain this lifestyle for ourselves, our children, our grandchildren and so on, it is imperative that American remains a Republic, and its citizens stay in control of private land and all the natural resources within. The forest products industry and agriculture have never seen a full court press such as that currently being implemented through executive orders, mandates, and unauthorized rulemaking as that which is taking place today. If this freedom goes away on our watch, then shame on us for not being informed and involved. The campaign season is in full swing, and elections are coming. Get to know the candidates, find out what they stand for, ask the hard questions and follow your instinct when checking the box.

Until next month,



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